May 25, 2012

Last weekend

Hello gals ^o^
Before I leave home for travelling to Michi and attend the Dokomi and The Japan-Day in Düsseldorf, I want to blog one last time ^.^

Last weekend I made new bottom lashes! It's devided into 5 parts.... a bit stressing to handle but looks very nice in my opinion!

makeup ready ^o^

I met with Kiki and we noticed that a bubble tea shop has opened in our favourite shopping center ^o^
Kiki waiting for her order
great zebra print hotpants at H&M *o* but the cut was not my style Q__Q
cute Kiki-chan^o^

Kikis obsession ~haha~ but really tastes yummie ^^
Kikis eye-makeup
In the evening we met Aya-chan. We went to our fevourite cocktailbar ZAZA in Prenzlauerberg ^o^

me and my Mojito <3
I didn't eat sushi for a long time. So it was kind of special for me ^^ °
Kiki and Aya
the three of us
There was an important soccer match that evening. Bayern VS. Chelsea I guess ^^° So many many people came to the bars and wanted to see se match^^ Public viewing !

it was so funny ^^ We were defenetly not interested in soccer (Kiki slightly) but we all acted as if we were huge fans (sreaming and moaning~haha)

just some random photos...
one last snack ^^
 I'll show you what I bought that day in another post !
Bye bye and now I have to hurry for my train! ~chu

1 comment:

tine said...

die lashes sind dir echt gut gelungen *-*v...
ich wollte mir auch immer mal welche selber machen, hatte mir schon obere wimpern gebastelt aber ist fast billiger von ebay händlern zu kaufen xD